This Advertisement Campaign was a project done during my time at Cal-State Long Beach. We each chose our own businesses to create a three-part campaign. I decided to choose an organization that fights homelessness called Robin Hood.
The first part is a video explanation for an interactive contest in which New Yorkers can participate to help make their city a better place and combat homelessness. Contesters can submit videos of themselves and their families volunteering at Robin-Hood, the best footages win the prize of being displayed on time square. The second part is the unveiling of the footage on Time Square.
In order to gather an audience, there will be ads all around New York City promoting the unveiling of the video as shown on the image to the left. These ads are creative and use spaces where people's eyes naturally wander towards such as subway doors and the floors. One example is the mattress ad on the subway floor. The purpose of the ads is to shock people into realizing that where they make their regular commute is also a place of rest for those who have no home.